Well, its OVER!! We all met in the morning yesterday and our super support team drove us down and dropped us off at the starting line. There were 16 racers in all on Team Henry and every one of us had a great race...some ran to win, some ran to finish before 2 1/2 hours and some ran to finish before 3 hours. We all accomplished our racing goals and we all finished strong. I couldn't be prouder of our team. It was such a blessing to have 16 people run in honor of Henry. He is such a loved boy already. There was a lady who I must have seen 15 times throughout the race because she was at a similar pace as me, she had a t-shirt on that said, I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me, and boy is that the truth!
Josh Patopoff won the race by a mile, literally:) but Josh Beames came
in an amazingly quick 2nd after very little training. (Oh, to be 18
again:) Great Job guys.
This is our pre-race Team photo. What a great group of wonderful people!
Molly and me post race...I was much happier than I look:)
Post-race, but missing a few racers. We were ready for our showers and snacks.
Charles and I with our best friends Meg and John Schneider.
All in all it was a great day and a FANTASTIC fundraiser. Our team raised over $2000 and we still have donations coming in!
Daniel Miller won the iPod Touch on his vote for Josh Beames.
His response:
...unless it's a different Daniel Miller -- then congrats to that guy!
Thanks Hills - love you guys. And thanks Josh Patapoff and the rest of
Team Henry for making this dream come true. I'd also like to thank my
producers and teamm...ates. And Tim Tebow. And most importantly
(pointing upward) Jesus Christ -- for keeping everyone who ran today
safe and healthy and for giving the Hills the chance to bring Henry home.
Today we are 13.1 miles closer to you Henry...can't wait to get you home:)